Welcome to Fiddlehead Sweet Studio Gives! This is where you can get some goodies just for asking! This is stuff I do for practice. Sometimes I work from life, sometimes out of my head, sometimes I really like a photo I see and steel it. The point is, I am doing just what I want. If you see something here that looks familiar, meaning your photo, your dog, your cat, bird, fish. Well then,  you have been chosen and it’s yours! If you are local, you can just contact me and we can arrange for you to have it. Long distance, I ask you to feed the kitty:  A rounded figure of $5.50 but also contact me with your name and  address and I will mail it to you. Please don’t feel obligated, I can also set it aside for you or just keep it, or give it to someone else!

Would you like a portrait but don’t see your loved one here? Request. I do these on commission for $125. They are watercolor pencil on paper, about 11″x14″. Just email me.        



 or Click on the Kitty



So well behaved


If there is a corner on cute, this guy, Eddie has it!

Meet Harry. He is the second winner of my pet portrait contest. His owner acquired him when buying a boat and the seller threw Harry in as a part of a package. The buyer, a just come home vet was recently fighting PTSD and depression, thought a boat might be a good diversion and the dog was cute so he agreed. Little did he know Harry would become a best friend and helped to bring his hero back to life. You are a hero in my book Harry!

My friend from northern Wisconsin sent me so many pictures for the contest, I ended up doing two! 

“This is Oziban, which means “tree candy” (the inner bark of the poplar tree used by Ojibwe as a sweetener when maple sugar was scarce). She is the sweetest dog we have ever had in the family.”    I can see she is a sweet thing and  I loved getting a little Ojibwe lesson too!

This is Nagweyab (Rainbow Rooster) and Ozaawaa (Yellow Chick). This was a great challenge for the textures. Beautiful!

They say you should always try to get a picture of client with your art. This was sent to me from Margi PreusShe said Pearl seemed to be pleased. I still get the giggles. She was described as “imperious” and it made her photos that much funnier!

This motley crew belongs to Bob Bowman. I know this picture will have a good home as those cat do!  Bob is an artist himself and to have his kudos is a big deal for me.


Annie loves the wonderful comments she’s been getting about her portraits. Thank you! Wouff wouff! See my teeth?

This is Copper.  He is going to be an example for a silent auction to raise money for local diabetics in South Dakota.  Good luck Copper!  Hope you do well!

It’s another neighborhood kitty cat. But gray is very challenging and this guy deserves the best. He is old but he can still jump those kitchen cupboards like a pro #watercolor #drawing #cat #petportraits #painting

Neighbors cat. Trying a new water color medium. This is Arthur. In the mornings I go to the neighbor’s house to walk the kids to bus stop. Arthur likes to sit on the shelf just above my head. If you try to pet, he does the playful (I hope) biting and scratching. Gotcha Art! #watercolor #drawing #cat #petportraits #painting

Sweet Piper.

Patti’s cat, Emily…claimed

claimed Thirteen years ago my neighbor brought home this beautiful girl.  She was a little intimidating with her size and choppers but she was always ready to greet me at the fence with her big ol’ grin. Through the years I have watched her play with the children and let babies crawl over her, gentle and patient. What a love, and this summer they lost her as we often do our little friends.  So sorry neighbor, here is a gift. May she always be in the back of your mind like she is mine whenever I look to your yard.

I love a good Triss!

Milo was fun. Is he really that cynical?

This is Sparky

This one was not hard to make beautiful! And she was claimed!


Needs a home:




Note, I reserve the right to make changes on agreements or refuse inquiries if I consider them unreasonable.


One of my favorite Facebook pals always has these beautiful photos of her ranch and animals. This cat reminds me of Newton, a Norwegian Forest cat I had in St Paul. Love you Newt. Watercolor pencil on wc paper, 11″ x 15″. claimed


This is Mara & Nickie. They are the neighborhood faeries I caught in my garden last summer. Watercolor pencil on wc paper. 16″x10. claimed