Want to support me directly?  Here is the place to go:

If you go this route,  Kitten will get more milk.  Your even considering donating honors me greatly, not to mention keeps us all warm and dry here at Fiddlehead!  Just click on the kitty.

Another well received donation is here:Become a Patron!   

This website is Free, but not really.  I have to pay for a host, computer(s), student loan and pretty soon, I have the price of a car on my desktop!  It is a labor of love for sure, but I sure could use a thumbs up, if not monetary, then spiritually. You can like me (bottom of page) and tell your friends.

Are you an artist sort? Anyone can do this! Patreon sign up  Takes a little effort, but if you don’t like effort, what are you living for?


Here are some other places you can see and/or purchase my work:

Old Website

lynettestudio.com  This is my portfolio site.   I used this to show samples of my work for freelancing.  I don’t do that much anymore, unless you have an offer I can’t refuse.  It might have some broken links and dead ends simply because I have not updated it for a while so view at your own peril.


lynetteyencho.com  My new gallery site where you can buy prints of my work for as little as $15!

Spoonflower I love fabric of all kinds.  Here is a manufacturer who lets me work out my fantasy as a designer. This company strives to help artists and also bring fourth a quality product.  All of their fabrics are high quality and some organic. They “print on demand”, so there is much less waste and they work very hard to be on the better side of this growing problem.

VIDA Want to wear one of my paintings? Or have it in your decor? This place also has fun stuff!  I try to keep the items to natural fabrics or recycles.  Have fun!

Fine Art America  uploaded paintings.  I like this site because they have a frame shop where you can choose a size print, how it is mounted, if you want a frame, choose mat color and frame (a lot of fun to play with) and it lets you know how much it will cost as you change your mind.

RedBubble  You can get my (or yours) work printed on anything.


You will see ads here and there all over the website.  Yes, I am an affiliate and I get a percentage when ever you click on their ad and buy something on their site. When I can, I do buy something at these places, just to see how they operate and their product quality.  If I don’t approve, I respectfully decline.  I hope you will visit some of those sites, they too are supporting me by choice and sometimes it is as much as a subscription to another site, but helps me get by. THANKS!

Some of the ads are Google that come up without my knowing.  If you see something that does not fit this venue, please let me know and I will take it down.

Do you want to sponsor me?

Of course I would consider that!  If you think you could use my site.  I work images into scripts. Just contact me!